Coming to terms with loss of identity

Christina Rasmussen, the creator of Second Firsts, understands grief because of the loss of her husband. But grief isn’t just about death – it’s part of losing anything, and that can include a loss of our identity. Have you ever felt lost when something rapidly shifted in your life and you had to discover new ways to navigate? Living with Parkinson’s can mean losing one’s identity on multiple levels. Once-simple movements become major challenges. Relationship dynamics sometimes aren’t the same.

“How many selves have you been since your loss?”

Below, Rasmussen asks “How many selves have you been since your loss?” Answering that question can be great fodder for journaling — a chance to document frustrations so that you can share them with friends, family or your therapist, and any positive notes, as part of your gratitude practice.

Are you mourning one or more of your prior selves? Have you found ways to cope with the loss? If not, checking in with friends and family — plus, possibly, a therapist or support group — can help.

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