Post-workout recovery

Everyone needs help with recovery after workouts, but Parkinson’s adds a special twist to the mix of your options. Recouping your stores of glycogen — responsible for performance in the gym and beyond — is commonly achieved by consuming carbs and protein within 30 minutes post-workout, but but then there’s the issue of protein not playing well with levodopa a.k.a. Sinemet, and thus having to time delivery of that drug so that it works when needed. Fortunately, medical professionals advise taking levodopa 30-60 minutes before meals, so even if you took that drug right before a class, you would be safe having a post-workout recovery snack after class.

Here are some suggestions:

Usually, you want to consume protein (0.2-0.4g/kg, or about 13.6-27.2g for someone who weighs 150 pounds) and carbohydrates together (around 0.8g/kg, or about 54g for someone who weighs 150 pounds) to stimulate an endogenous insulin release that replenishes glycogen stores.

What are some snacks or meals that could accomplish this?

Post-workout smoothie

1/2 c Trader Joes Organic Hemp Protein Powder

1 c Trader Joes Vanilla Flavored Coconut Milk

1/2 c blueberries

1 T Trader Joe’s Almond Butter Raw Crunchy Unsalted

Mix in your blender then stash in a Thermos so you have it available right after class.


1/2 can water-pack tuna

2 handfuls (1 cup) of crushed whole grain crackers

Add mustard or pickle relish for a bit more flavor, but be aware that these can up your sodium intake for the day.


2 whole eggs

1 egg white

1 c chopped vegetables — consider spinach, onions, mushrooms and peppers

Scramble and serve!

Chicken and sweet potato hash

1 cooked chicken breast

3/4 cup of diced sweet potato

3/4 cup of diced apples

Cinnamon, salt and pepper to taste

Saute with olive oil.

The easy-to-pack, breakfast-for-dinner and chicken and sweet potato hash recipes have been adapted from post-workout meals suggestions from Justin Grinnell, CSCS, to better meet the needs of my clients and other people with Parkinson’s.

You’ll note that I have focused on recipes without dairy. The reason? Local Parkinson’s expert and naturopath Dr. Laurie Mischley has identified dairy as a risk factor for developing Parkinson’s, and its progression, and regularly recommends vegan or dairy-free diets for people who already have Parkinson’s.

Originally featured on on November 19, 2015.


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