TRX for PwP

Ever wonder why people at the gym were training with those yellow-and-black straps? Maybe you thought the exercises looked easy? Wrong. They are more challenging, more fun and more effective — especially for balance, core strength and flexibility — than most people even imagine! Whether I had you at challenging, fun or effective, you owe it to yourself to try out TRX (the brand name for these suspension training straps).

TRX exercises have a positive impact on core strength and flexibility. They are a great option for people with Parkinson’s who have problems with mobility, especially those who struggle to get up from the floor. One of my favorites, the standup Power Pull, balances strength on both sides of your body and challenges core rotational strength and control, two of the areas of functional fitness that become problematic for many with Parkinson’s.

Ready to get started? Shop for your own TRX gear.

Originally featured on on December 7, 2015.

TRX and rings in gym

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